To understand what part groundwater plays in the Arney catchment, a spring monitoring programme is underway. Monitoring springs is a good way to find out about the aquifer the water flows through underground before emerging at the spring. Measuring water chemistry and quality provides information about the catchment feeding the spring, both above and below ground.
The CatchmentCARE Groundwater team have been recording areas where surface water sinks underground and where it emerges. Data loggers have been used to measure water temperature, water levels and how much dissolved solids are in the water.
The groundwater-monitoring network within the Arney catchment will eventually comprise 10 to 15 spring sites. These will be monitored for flow volume (discharge) every month, and two to four springs will be chosen for continuous monitoring of groundwater discharge to reveal more important information about the aquifer that feeds the springs.
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Cascades Spring – a karst spring in the Arney Catchment.